Design/Build is a turnkey solution that awards a single contract to a sign company to design, manufacture and install all of the signage for their project. This omits owner risk for design errors and transfers responsibility for mistakes from the general contractor to the designer/builder.
A building without a sign is a building without branding. Our in-house graphics studio can study a site’s concept, the business’ brand and create a sign family that supports & enhances the brand. This includes:
Once our team completes their design, a plan is developed. This aids the general contractor in completing the project without any added stress due to signage. The building will have adequate branding and a timely certificate of occupancy. Planning includes:
Our Design/Build process requires working on a variety of project types and interfacing directly with owners, developers, union leaders, inspectors, local governments and many others. This includes:
Metro Sign & Awning has provided interior and exterior signage for residential, hotel, corporate, hospitals, shopping centers, casinos, private and public schools, colleges and universities and more, by:
Our Project Managers arrange our crew to handle open shop & prevailing wage or we subcontract one of our union labor partners. The installation includes:
Understanding the complexity of a signage plan and building it in your own shop offers many opportunities to streamline the schedule and cut costs. This includes:
There’s pride in ownership when a company sees their creation come to fruition. In a Design/Build relationship, everything from concept to completion is nailed down in the planning phase. The designer-builder calls the shots and takes the heat. This means:
Remember, without proper code compliant signage, a certificate of occupancy cannot be obtained.
Design/Build is becoming more popular because it gives the General Contractor a single point of contact. He or she can turn the entire project over to a reputable company and trade stress for success.
To learn more about our past Design/Build projects, contact your representative from Metro Sign & Awning today.
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