Free White Paper: 9 Green Signage Tips to Wow your Clients
Eco-Signage, Green, Others, Signage ROIIn the sign business we’ve found that environmentally-friendly business practices can benefit not only the environment but also the bottom line. Given the interest in this subject among our partners—architects, general contractors, property managers, and other resellers—we recently completed a free white paper, 9 Green Signage Tips You Can Use To Wow your Clients. In it you will discover how expertise in environmentally friendly signs and awnings can impress your clients and help your business grow.
As an example of what you find in the free white paper, here is Tip #1
1. Signage can help with LEED certification
A growing number of interior wall coverings can help buildings accumulate credit toward the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. These materials include some digitally printed decorations, window graphics and some door coatings.
Credits vary across eight LEED certification categories, including materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, and innovation in design, among others. While signage may not seem like a large percentage of a building project, it can add up to a significant amount of LEED credits. Consider:
In the Materials & Resources category, credits can be earned for building reuse by
• using portions of existing interior walls, doors, floor coverings and ceiling systems,
• recycling or salvaging at least 50 percent of weight of demolished materials,
• using materials with recycled content, and by
• specifying that at least 20 percent of building materials are locally sourced, meaning that they travel less than 500 miles to your building site.
Other qualifying agencies offer additional opportunities to earn LEED credits. For example, interior signs crafted from materials approved by or managed in a way that’s certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified suppliers can help your clients accumulate credits toward achieving LEED certification, or attaining a higher level of certification. Considering the amount of interior signing necessary in many schools, retail locations and office buildings, ensuring your designs and project plans are compatible with qualifying materials and specifying that only those materials be used can help your clients accumulate the LEED credits they need.