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ARCHIVE: Category Archive for: Functional Signage

Wayfinding System for Senior Facilities

aby Boomers age, the need for facilities catering to them increases. Whether they are in good health or whether they require a certain degree of care, homes for the elderly are increasing in need and in popularity. A critical, yet often overlooked element in designing facilities for those afflicted is the signage and wayfinding in the facility.

How Signage Can Transform Schools and Education

Boston Metro Sign & Awning

When it comes to education, signage has the power to transform not only a school building, but a student’s educational experience. Like most signage trends, signage in academic settings has seen a shift in terms of materials used, manufacturing techniques, and ideas of how school signage should function. At Metro Sign and Awning, we use the latest technology and educational trends to create functional and beautiful signs that improve the educational experience for both students and faculty. Electronic Messaging Systems (EMCs) The majority of schools today have at least one electronic messaging system in or outside their building. These are one of the most prevalent types of signage seen in the educational field today because of their incorporation of the latest technology

5 Tips to Help Maintain Brand Consistency

The definition of opportunity lost: your restaurant caters or rents party space, but your sign doesn’t make that clear. New signage may sound expensive until you consider lost revenue. If you’re ready to invest in a more profitable 2018, get in touch with a Metro representative.

Carved and Routed Signs

In sign-making, as in so much of daily life, what’s old is often new again. Sign-making dates back to very early civilizations. For example, carvings were heavily used to communicate information by the Mayans, and also by the Greeks and the Romans. Pompeii and Herculaneum, two Roman cities buried by volcanic ash and lava in 79 AD and therefore helpfully preserved for us to study today, contain hundreds of carved signs (some gilded, others painted) advising residents of then-important information. The traditional art of Whakairo, or carving in wood, stone, and bone, has been a staple of the Maori culture in New Zealand since the first Polynesians arrived there more than 1,000 years ago. During those early days, sign-makers learned

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